Thursday, September 25, 2008 --the largest publicly accessible and publicly authored document databases on the Internet

What Company Is Offering: is an up and coming start-up striving to create one of the largest publicly accessible and publicly authored document databases on the Internet. encourages everyone who wishes to do so to become a true published and paid author. The documents published online are meant only for reference purposes.

It has had an unrecorded success in France and Brazil. Currently, these documents cannot be found anywhere else, whether in libraries or on any other search engine. In order to insure the quality of the work published on the website, each document is screened by a quality committee, who are experts from various fields, such as law, history, literature, etc.

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Social Mention is a social media search engine

What Company Is Offering:

Social Mention is a social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news, videos, and micro-blogging services.

How It Works:

It allows you to easily track what people are saying about you, your company, a new product, or any topic across the web’s social media landscape in real-time.

Search results are aggregated from numerous popular social media sources, including Google blog search, Twitter, Delicious, FriendFeed, Flickr, Digg, YouTube etc. and remixed as a single stream of information. The data is fresh, which means you can track conversations as they are happening in real-time.

In addition to web-based search results, Social Mention also features email alerts and personalized RSS feeds for automatic and instant updates.

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e-LM--Tools For Professional Peoples

What Company Is Offering:

The Program & Project Management module helps you to track costs, manage time, minimise risks, mitigate issues and manage changes on your programs, projects and sub-projects. It basically provides you with an automated steering committee report.

The Scope Management module (also known as Requirements Management) allows you to capture the requirements on your project, understand the impact of a change to those requirements and to track such changes to the scope.

The Quality Assurance module allows you to define your test-cases, record test results and capture defects.

The Product Management module allows you to track products beyond the lifecycle of a single project. Products can be service that you implemented, a software or hardware product or even a policy document.

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Orgasync--Collaborative Software for an Online Campus

What Company Is Offering:

Their vision is to provide the ultimate online networking and member management service. Through dedicated customer service and highly regarded, proven technology, they create an exceptional customer experience. Their goal is for users to be able to centralize all aspects of student involvement and ultimately get more out of their education.
THEY are a privately-held, self-funded, Austin, TX-based hosted service providing the tools and applications needed to organize and manage student organizations and their members. Our suite of tools have grown into a mature platform that enhances communication and participation.

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