Saturday, April 21, 2007

How To Get Out Of "Job Mentality"When Starting Business

The process of becoming a true, serial, (good) crazy entrepreneur is to view the world as a series of experiments. Instead of a subject matter expert, you want to become an expert in experimentation. And you want to plan on failing, falling on your face a few times, if for nothing else than to have a great story to tell your adoring stockholders and fans when you finally ring the bell at the opening of the New York Stock Exchange. Part of what makes Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad success so great is his self-admitted hubris and failure at his first start-up business.Here are some ways to get out of your job mentality and get into your entrepreneur mentality
Start with What kind of work am I meant to do?, not What kind of business should I start? This is a very important distinction that I want you to stop and really think about for a minute. It is related to your greater purpose for being on earth, or if you wish to frame it in corporate terms, your personal mission statement. When I spent some time reflecting on the work I am meant to do, I realized that it all has to do with promoting personal freedom, joy and expression through work. Kind of vague and squishy, huh? But it becomes concrete as I experiment with different business ideas to further this mission. I tried to work as a corporate consultant and had great fun and financial success. Then I decided to become a coach for wannabe entrepreneurs. Now I am playing with being an author and writing a book. In a few years, I may decide to create a product line or two. As I grow and evolve, my work may change too which will lead to different kinds of businesses.
Forget about permanence. If you are just starting your entrepreneurial journey, chances are you may need lots of fits and starts in order to find a business that gives you meaning, money and happiness. To use crass dating terms, you are not looking for Mr. Right, you are looking for Mr. Right Now, with the low expectation that he may surprise you and turn into Mr. Right. It has been awhile since I have been on the dating scene, but I do remember a few men I met that were waaaaay too intense in their search for a permanent mate. At the first date and coffee, if they asked about marriage and children, I would run screaming. Your work feels the same way - it needs time to get to know you. If the fit is right, go for it, if not, move on to the next one.
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