Saturday, April 28, 2007

WorkHack Redefine Simple Task Mangment

WorkHack, a task list web app that takes simple to a whole new level. There are very nearly no features to WorkHack. There is no sign up, no tagging, no due dates, no multi-user support. Just to-do lists, organized into three priority categories (High, Medium, and Low) and sorted by color or size.

Getting started with WorkHack is easy: just plug in the captcha text on the main page and go. Tasks are added by entering them into the large textbox on your to-do list page, and assigning a priority level. Tasks are marked by color (red for High, orange for Medium, and green for Low) or, if you turn on the option, by size (the bigger the task, the more urgent). When you are finished with a task, click "Done" and it disappears from view (though you can turn on an option to make WorkHack display completed tasks, and re-add them with a single click).

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