Saturday, June 16, 2007

Blurb offers free software to create, publish, and ultimately market bookstore-quality books

In past there were so many writers and poets died without publishing their cherished work due to unwillingness of publishers who most of the time bought or published only selected works but internet and blogging has changed all ,in that direction Blurb is another addition. Blurb offers free software to create, publish, and ultimately market bookstore-quality books. Users pay only when they publish their books. Given that their are million blogs out there, Blurb believes they are providing a long-overdue service that could help bloggers and other writers turn their ramblings into actual for-sale books. This is a populist site and exactly why the internet is revolutionizing so many industries, from art to politics. The site is well-funded, well-designed and great fun.

Blurb is a company and a community that believes passionately in the joy of books – reading them, making them, sharing them, and selling them. Holding a finished book with your name on the cover is a truly amazing feeling; it"s one of those experiences everyone should have. we put our minds together, and developed a creative publishing service simple and smart enough to make anyone an author – every blogger, cook, photographer, parent, traveler, poet, pet owner, marketer, everyone.
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