Thursday, June 21, 2007

My StartUp Life Written By Ben Casnocha Who Is Just19 Year Old

Ben's 7th grade class did a web project that was meant to improve the local community. Ben enjoyed it so much that he kept working on it after school was out. Eventually, it transformed into Comcate, a company that sells software to local governments. The book is Ben's story about building a tech company in The Valley while still in high school.

The thing that I found so interesting is that Ben, who is currently just 19 years old, has already figured out many things about life and business that many people never figure out. For example, by the third chapter, Ben says he learned that talk is cheap. Contrast that with the dozens of people you know who do nothing but talk, and never take any action.
The book is filled with small boxes called "brainstorms." Here is excerpts:
I have a strategic plan. It's called "doing things"...In the early days of any new business, it's easier to plan than to act. It's easier to strategize than to actually do stuff.

By chapter eight, Ben has learned that some people are long on platitudes and short on substance. He also acknowledges that entrepreneurship isn't as glamorous as the media makes it out to be.

" Contrary to the typical media fantasy of yacht-cruising millionaires wheeling and dealing their way to the next big technology fortune, most entrepreneurship happens in quite ordinary circumstances. Dorm rooms, garages, kitchens, cafes... even bedrooms. Ordinary people, ordinary circumstances, ordinary conversations, but unusual passion."
Via-Business Pundit........Must read Book
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