Friday, July 6, 2007

Flogd is basically a flash-based tool that allows you to create shops stocked with your own products and put them anywhere

Flogd is basically a flash-based tool that allows you to create shops stocked with your own products and put them anywhere using the tried-and-true method of cut and paste. It’s sort of like Photobucket, Slide or RockYou, but for products you want to sell, rather than photos of random stuff. The shops include built-in shopping carts, and a buyer can safely and securely purchase anything from a seller's shop right then and there, rather than being redirected to another page- significantly reducing the rate of drop off, and potentially leading to increased sales and exposure.
Flogd’s main point of difference is their extreme usability, both for buyers and sellers. On the marketing end, it is simple for those wanting to sell their products to easily put their products on their blogs, websites and social networking communities, using their flash-based tool. For sellers, it’s less likely that they’ll abandon their shopping cart because transactions are not redirected to another page.
More at:

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