Saturday, August 4, 2007 is an online book rental library club

BookSwim is the first online "BOOK RENTAL LIBRARY CLUB" lending you paperbacks and hardcovers directly to your house without the need of purchase. Whether it's New Releases, Bestsellers, or Classics, we've got 150,000 titles to choose from, with free shipping both ways. Read your books as long as you want. -- no late fees Even choose to purchase and keep the titles you love. is an online book rental library club. A common bestselller would cost around $20 dollars. But with you can rent the books, read them and then change them for others!!! So users can read many books and pay far mor less. Another very cool feature of this website is that users end up reading books of unknown authors, so it gives them a chance to know new authors, that they couldn't afford to because books are simply too expensive! has over 150,000 books so it is a very cool place to rent books.
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