Monday, August 27, 2007

How To Sketch Face With Flashface

Flashface is a site for those people where visitors can piece together archaic looking yet accurate facial features to form a face. It seems to be in the early stages of graphic development with tiny words and black and white features. The lack of color and pizzazz is off-putting but the truth is that you can make a pretty good police sketch of yourself and people you know. The features that compose the face sketch are: hair, head shape, hairline, eyebrows, eyewear, eyes, nose, mustache, mouth, chin, and beard. In each category there are between thirty and sixty options, which is barely enough to choose a feature that resembles the person you are trying to create. The site has very few preference options but once a face is formed users can save and print the face as well as view the faces in the guestbook. Flashface is a useful site for temporarily curing boredom and sketching a criminal. If Flashface introduced another version with color, more feature options, and way to link the sketch to a blog or website, it could really take off.
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