Wednesday, August 29, 2007 isn't a job board, it's a search engine for jobs isn't a job board, it's a search engine for jobs. is a new concept site that lets you determine how much you spend in order to generate traffic directly to your website and jobs through pay per click. Plus, with advanced technology it copies the jobs directly from your site to us without you lifting a finger.

All you have to do is tell us how many click throughs to your jobs you want and we do the rest.

No Admin - we go into your site and upload all your jobs to our site - each time you update them we update them - you dont have to lift a finger
You decide how much to spend - giving you complete control over your budget
You only pay for traffic you receive - Thats right no spending lots of money to see if it works or not
Ensure your vacancies are top of the search category you want.
We will provide - Making sure you are always getting the best response

Weekly reports on number of clickthroughs and unique users - giving you complete control and enables you to analyse problem jobs
High visability on-line campaign - to ensure the candidates are always coming back
Cost Per Click starting from as low as 12p*.
More at:

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