Thursday, August 16, 2007

Timesonline has a number of videos from entrepreneurs offering advice to aspiring entrepreneurs.

At the Bank of Scotland launch dinner for The Entrepreneur Challenge, business figures and entrepreneurs offered excellent advice for contenders
Getting started in business can be a daunting task, no matter how much determination and drive an entrepreneur has. It can be a lonely path at times, but there are people willing and able to give great advice on how to keep going through the tough times and what not to do to save trouble in the future.

Therefore, when Bank of Scotland hosted a dinner at London’s Quaglino’s restaurant in May to launch The Entrepreneur Challenge, we took the opportunity to ask the great and good of the business world for advice for up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

We spoke with business figures and entrepreneurs at the dinner resulting in a series of interviews, the first three below, where established players on the business field gave their top tips and advice for becoming a success.

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