Friday, August 3, 2007

Wurkpal is a new site that lets you anonymously communicate with others about your workplace

Wurkpal is a new site that lets you anonymously communicate with others about your workplace.

Unlike other “anonymity” sites, wurkpal protects even your host name, and creates an “unknown” user name for you, relieving you of the necessity of offering the slightest bit of personal information to the site, such as email address, or user name of your making. There are groups formed around a company, and those employees working there can let loose here, asking questions, participating in the rumor mills, making remarks and sharing documents they wouldn’t dream of doing without the cloak of anonymity. You don’t have to be an employee to read or even participate in other’s networks, though for the creation of one, a company must have a standard IP Address block installed, ensuring that no one’s identification is ever revealed.

The end goal of wurkpal is to provide an online gathering place for professionals to communicate freely amongst each other. Outside of advertising, the company is looking to make money through a job placement system, where recruiters can find information and potential leads, and no one has to worry about being caught looking for a new job. The “idealism” associated with this free-for-all network will be difficult to achieve for wurkpal, and while precautions are taken, it may be too much for users to keep up with their anonymous accounts as well as the many groups created for various topics and companies.
More at:

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