Saturday, September 8, 2007

Skillance has made the job search for freelancers a lot easier by putting the freelancer directly in touch with the interested party

The UK-based startup Skillance has made the job search for freelancers a lot easier by putting the freelancer directly in touch with the interested party. How does it work? First, determine what skills you have and want to market. The site ranges from the absurd to the professional, so if your talent is juggling Chihuahuas but you can also file tax returns really well, you’re in the right place. Then, create a user account complete with a name for and description of your service and your contact information, which will allow others interested in your skills to find you in a search. If you’re looking to hire someone, browse through the “skills required” section or run a keyword search. Registration and all of the site’s services are free. With Skillance people can turn to the web to get the best deal on a service they need. For example, if you want a website designed but cannot afford to pay a company 1000's of pounds or dollars, wouldn't you rather just go to a web designer directly who can charge you a fraction of the price? The same concept can be applied on any professional skill or service you require. Companies also look for skilled professionals so they can hire them for contractual purposes and short-term periods.
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