Saturday, September 1, 2007

Vcasmo is an online presentation tool that lets you mash your video and images with audio or webcam video

Japan-based Vcasmo is an online presentation tool that lets you mash your video and images with audio or webcam video.

There are several ways in which you can use this service: combine your PowerPoint presentation with a video of yourself speaking, or mix a voice over with images from your last trip abroad. You can also choose what part of the video you’d like to insert voice-over. The result is a very helpful tool for combining different aspects of media to create an online presentation. The completed product can be embedded in your personal website or blog. This is not primarily an editing tool, however, so you won’t find many options for adding things like text or graphics, and you can’t add videos directly from a webcam.

On the site itself, you’ll find a community of users. You can subscribe to a user, and add them as a friend. View all of the presentations they’ve posted, leave comments and ratings, or add a presentation to your favorites. Adding some editing options, perhaps some text notes that users or the video creator could leave, like Veotag or MyPlick, and some chapter selections could make this even more useful for things like educational videos, which is a primary objective for Vcasmo.
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