Thursday, September 20, 2007 is a site where community members can create one-on-one contests between two similar items, such as Myspace vs. Facebook and Angelina

The world's largest focus group. Put products, issues, ideas, designs, movies, music, and links up to a vote and see what the people think. is 100% free to sign up and free to use.

They encourage the community to create contests about anything from asking which television they should buy to which entrepreneurial idea they should invest their savings in. The promise of getting free, objective and instant feedback from the general public is proving to be valuable in a number of ways.
Participants can vote in contests and participate in discussions about the contests. Contests fit into a variety of categories such as arts/culture, business, celebrities, fashion, comedy, companies, design, entertainment, finance, food/beverage, etc.

"We all know that the Internet is a place of vast wisdom and endless screens of arguing, politicking and banter. With we set out to create a venue for people to come to a conclusion while they argue."

Members control the content and can post images, video, music, and detailed write-ups of the items in the contest.

The site offers a voting system in which both members and anonymous users may vote and comment on contests and the most popular contests are featured on the "Hot" section of the site.

"We encourage the community to create contests about anything from asking which television they should buy to which entrepreneurial idea they should invest their savings in. The promise of getting free, objective and instant feedback from the general public is proving to be valuable in a number of ways."

The usual web 2.0 features are there, like a tag based search function and a "Hot" RSS feed.

The site is also offering a $150 prize for the contest that receives the most votes throughout the course of a month.

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