Saturday, October 6, 2007

StartPix is a new bookmarking tool that offers an online space to save all your links

What Company is offering:

StartPix is a new bookmarking tool that offers an online space to save all your links. These are saved on a grid, which operates like a whiteboard, complete with drag’n'drop technology. The site is currently in private beta, and I took it for a test run this morning.
How It Works:
Your saved links appear on your grid in the form of a logo, or really its th image that displays beside the site’s URL in your browser. These icons can then be arranged, rearranged and organized according to your personal preferences. You can also add what StartPix calls functional blocks. These are like widgets that you can add to your grid, enabling search boxes and RSS feed readers to display on your grid as well.

StartPix is supposed to be social, as grids can be shared with others, but the act of finding others with which to share is not easy or breezy. Getting started with your grid isn’t all that intuitive either, but StartPix offers some help by including starter links on your grid. In addition, the search functionality for StartPix will need to be improved, because looking at a page full of icons can be daunting when you’re looking for something in particular.
More at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So to explain:
Startpix is in an alpha phase to test drive the perfomance. 500 users are invited to test the basics, but the sharing parts have not yet been activated.

This will happen within a few weeks.

If you'd like to be a part of the test group just leave your email at: