Sunday, October 7, 2007


What Company says:
Youlicit's underlying premise is that of reducing information overload using collaborative filtering.

We gather data from our users as well as other sources of user annotated web data (from social bookmarking sites such as, other collaborative filtering sites such as Digg and Amazon, "people-generated" classifications of sites, and a multitude of other sources) to return the most recommended and relevant websites for the topic you are interested in. All this is provided to you, the user, with a simple and easy-to-use web browser plug-in that lets you find the most similar & recommended sites to the site you are on with a click of a button.

So how are we different from the other search engines such as Google or Yahoo! or MSN?

Simple. While the other search engines return sites based on algorithms that determine the popularity of a site with other sites (how many web pages link back to the web site among other things), our unique algorithm processes the sites that people are finding important and interesting and providing you with just those results.
More at:

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