Friday, November 2, 2007 is a venue for the collaborative analysis of finance

What Company is Offering:
They created to solve a problem they faced themselves while managing their own personal investments: there's too much financial information out there. No one person can possibly sort through it all. is a venue for the collaborative analysis of it.
How It Works:

They are building an online community with a common interest in understanding economics and the financial markets, two of the most complex fields ever developed in human history. Through this site, they can exchange ideas and views on the vast intricacies of modern finance to all of our mutual benefit. Nobody can possibly know it all; it's only by working together that we can realize our goals and ambitions.

Who Is Backing Them:

Paul Legato, the technical mastermind
Aman Singh, the business intelligence geek
Leroy Ratnayake, the business management guy
Greg Ross-Munro, the graphic designer responsible for our look and feel

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