Thursday, November 8, 2007

RealDealDocs--For Access To Millions Of Corporate/Transactional Documents And Deals

What Company Is Offering:
RealDealDocs provides lawyers with extraordinary access to hundreds of thousands of corporate/transactional documents and millions of deal clauses, created by attorneys from leading U.S. firms.
RealDealDocs organizes the filings for companies ranging from Fortune 500 to the smallest of small caps. We then strip away superfluous information so you get just the exhibits and clauses you need, organized the way you want to find them.
How It Works:
RealDealDocs lets you dictate exactly the kind of document you’re seeking. Say you were looking for a few good examples of a patent license agreement. Using simple pull-down menus, select "Intellectual property" as the document type and "patent license agreement" as the subtype.

You can modify that further with full text search or by choosing additional search fields; in seconds, RealDealDocs returns dozens of examples, prepared by top law firms for leading public companies. Actual document titles, parties involved, law firms and governing law are all listed, so you can quickly judge if the document is useful.
Another click and the document opens on your screen. You don't receive scores of irrelevant hits that match surface criteria, hits that must then be opened, evaluated and dismissed. With RealDealDocs, you get the section of a filing – the work product – which you really need.
More at:

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