Saturday, December 22, 2007

Big Stage --create and integrate a life-like 3D avatar of themselves into everything from famous movie scenes, TV shows and video games etc

What Company Is Offering:
Big Stage is a media company whose breakthrough technology allows users to easily create and integrate a life-like 3D avatar of themselves into everything from famous movie scenes, TV shows and video games, to music videos, short video clips, virtual worlds, still images, user-generated content, instant messages, emails, social networks and more - instantly. Big Stage will launch to consumers in the second quarter of 2008.

How It Works:

Big Stage , the service requires that users upload three pictures of themselves with a digital camera, and the Big Stage tool quickly converts them into a life-like 3D avatar. The proprietary technology automatically maps the contours of a user’s face to generate a replica of the user, fully equipped for animation, according to the company.

After users create and style their avatars, they can drop them into the library of Big Stage-enabled user and professionally created content. This highly personalized content can then be shared by users across social networks, mobile phones and other platforms, according to Big Stage.

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