Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Election Platform--It’s a new democratic voting system, where every person can be an elector and candidate

What Company Says:
Every person in society has a particular place: one can drive a car, another can do scientific research, and a third can be a politician. Every person communicates with others, which is normal in a society and makes his impressions on people he has known during his lifetime. But when it comes to choosing the person to lead us, it's difficult to make a decision. First of all, because the list is limited, second, on the list there are some candidates that you have never heard about, not to mention you have no idea about his achievements, character, leadership aptitudes or intelligence. On the other side, you know quite well your own friends, but you can't vote for them unless they are on the candidates list.

On the Election Platform, an individual comes with a list of 1, 2 or 3 people that he wants to give his vote. He can vote for others, not for himself, that he believes are the best match for the election requirements. In this way each person distributes his authority value in equal proportion between voters. At the end they just need to compute the authority and sort it.

How It Works:

Election Platform represents the system which calculates the authority value of each person in the election. Election Platform can be used for team leader, professional communities, Local Administration, Parliament, even Presidential Elections.

It’s a new democratic voting system, where every person can be an elector and candidate.

What types of elections are there?

Closed – Recommended for small groups (10-20 people).
Open with Invitation – Recommended for medium sized groups (100 people).
Open with Password – Recommended for medium sized groups (100 people).
Open - Recommended for extremely large groups (millions of people).
Open for Trusted Individuals Recommended for large groups (hundreds of people).

What is the Difference between Classic Democracy and the Election Platform?

Under a Classic Democracy the winner is the person who gets the majority of votes.
In the election platform the winner is the person voted for by the members with the highest authority.

More at:http://www.electionplatform.com/

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