Sunday, December 16, 2007

Toggl is a free, online timetracker for consultants, programmers, designers, etc

What Company Is Offering:
Toggl is a free, online timetracker perfect for anyone who needs to manage their work hours: consultants, programmers, designers, etc.
With Toggl, there is no limit to the number of projects or users; this basic functionality is free. Users can invite as many people to Toggl as they wish with no charge.

How It Works:
In the text field you can enter words or parts of words that apply to the usernames, users' full names, clients' and projects' names. You can exclude results if you add a "-" sign in front of a word.
Toggl has some built-in filters you can use to view reports for certain time periods (such as today, yesterday, this week, last week etc), but you can also set the period manually using the date fields or calendar buttons. Then there are filters for viewing general user or project statistics for a given period as well as weekly views for both. There is also the custom filter described below.

The best way to use Toggl's time tracking is to divide your bigger tasks into smaller ones that you can track and complete independently. If the task is very time consuming but cannot be divided into smaller parts, you can create a new task with the same name each day and close it in the evening. That way you'll be able to keep track of how much time was spent on that task on a daily basis.
More at:

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