Friday, January 11, 2008

123Brand It

What Company Is Offering:

It is a service that puts creative types in contact with those who need their opinion or their contribution. Two examples: - a company may need your opinion to select a logo from A, B or C. - a second company may ask for your help to find a name for a new product.

How It Works:

As soon as you register you will be assigned a “portfolio” which you will fill with points by participating on the website. Based on the points you accumulate you can select a gift from the catalogue, this is our first thank you for your activity. But there is more. The companies who enter a request for a contribution will award the winner with the item specified each time. And equally important, this is an excellent showcase for getting exposure in the communication and creative world, being able to demonstrate your ideas in the field is often much better than a good CV.
At some point you have certainly been faced with having to choose between A and B or to invent a new motto or claim. Yes, there are specialised agencies but sometimes you are too small and their costs are too high. Up to now the solution has been to ask your staff, friends or relations, even through in-house mailing lists, etc. Now there is something better, for a very low cost you can put your survey or request online making it visible to a potential number of creative types, customers and navigators which no mailing list can equal.

More at:

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