Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Earth Class Mail --Your Postal Mail Online Got funding of $13.3 million

What Company Is Offering:

Earth Class Mail is changing how postal mail is delivered, for the betterment of individuals, businesses, national post offices, and most importantly – the planet. Instead of making physical postal deliveries which are so dependent on fuel for planes and trucks, they deliver postal mail online - where people can deal with it instantly, anywhere in the world.

How It Works:

No matter where their customers are, they simply log-in to view pictures of their mail and decide what they want to do with each piece. For example, they can choose which pieces to have opened and scanned so they can read them online, and which to recycle, archive, or have sent to them in “snail mail” form wherever they are located – all with the click of a mouse.

For businesses, Earth Class Mail not only delivers employee mail regardless of where each employee happens to be, but they also handle standardized process mail such as claim forms, invoices, legal documents, mortgages, applications, tax documents and checks more efficiently and cost-effectively than ordinary document management and storage solutions.

By offering national posts the ability to deliver mail online, Earth Class Mail can move posts from their current energy-wasting physical-delivery model to clean electronic delivery for a significant portion of the mail they currently handle. Their patent-pending MegaSorter automated storage and retrieval system is a transformative technology capable of sorting mail faster and at a fraction of the cost of existing sorter technologies.

How Much They Got From VCs:
Earth Class Mail, which allows people to view their postal mail online, has closed its first round of funding at $13.3 million.

More at:

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