Friday, January 25, 2008

outquib is the world's source of opinions

What Company is Offering:
outquib is the world's source of opinions. Discuss what you are passionate about. Show the world what you think!

Whether you are a computer geek who cannot decide what operating system is best or a college student still deciding who to vote for, outquib is a better way to inform yourself.
How It Works:
The content on the site is made up almost entirely of users’ posted opinions. These can display in some areas on an individual basis, meaning a module showing the top opinion posts can each be on a variety of topics, and will be displayed without the context of their larger discussions. You can see the main topic for this opinion post, as well as the user that created it. There’s an option, in this case, to continue on to the larger discussion page that’s been created.

Each debate has an overview, displaying how most people feel one way or another, and a list of the influential posts. These are the posts that have been rated by users in a positive manner, meaning they’ve gained the most support and have now become influential.

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