Saturday, February 9, 2008

Eyejot is the first, comprehensive, client-free online video messaging platform ideal for both personal and business communications

What Company Is Offering:
Eyejot is the first, comprehensive, client-free online video messaging platform ideal for both personal and business communications. It offers everyone the ability to create and receive video messages in a self-contained, spam-free environment. With no client to install, you can start using Eyejot immediately with any browser, on any platform. It even features built-in support for iTunes™ (and iPods&trade), mobile devices and social networks like MySpace™. Watch Eyejot video examples.

How It Works:
Eyejot offers people the ability to easily communicate more naturally with one another through video while still taking advantage of some of the great traits that email offers in terms of working across geographies and time zones, and eliminating spam from the equation.

Ever have someone interpret your email differently from the way you had intended? Without facial expressions and gestures that happens often. With Eyejot, your friends, family and business contacts won't have any trouble whatsoever understanding what you mean. They'll be able to see your energy, passion, concern, interest, excitement, humor - you name it. They'll see and hear it.

Eyejot offers a widget (tiny, embeddable application) that you can place inside of your web pages, blogs and social networking sites, like MySpace. You can activate this widget by clicking on the Services tab in the top navigation space on the Eyejot site and then selecting the Site Widget tab.

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