Monday, March 17, 2008

Credit Karma offers a new way to track your credit score and a unique way to benefit from it

What Company Is Offering:
Credit Karma offers a new way to track your credit score and a unique way to benefit from it. For the first time you can get a truly free credit score with no hidden costs or obligations. Based on your score, you gain access to exclusive offers from companies that value your creditworthiness.

The principle of Karma is common to many beliefs. The general idea is that any action a person takes either positive or negative, will have an inevitable equal effect in the future. Your credit score is kind of an expression of this concept; an index of your credit history: your credit karma. Credit Karma embodies the best parts of these two disparate yet similar concepts to help people stay aware of their Credit Score and gain access to exclusive deals at the same time.

Their services start with a FREE credit score. No credit card is required and no strings are attached. Return as often as you like and use our service to track your credit file and stay informed. Credit Karma believes this is a fundamental consumer right. Credit Karma will continue to provide these FREE credit scores while doing the most to protect your privacy regardless if you use our other services.

How It Works:

When you access the FREE credit score, Credit Karma will show personalized offers to you based on your credit profile . These offers are from advertisers who share our vision of consumer empowerment. If you wish to take advantage of Karma Offers, it is up to you. Credit Karma will never share your information without your consent.

Credit Karma messages are one way broadcasts from our partner companies. Our advertising partners provide personalized offers and Credit Karma matches them with appropriate people, never disclosing the user information unless the consumer responds to the offer. This protects your privacy and allows you to control who receives your data.

Unlike the traditional credit marketing world where businesses buy and sell your personal information without your knowledge and then chase you with offers, Credit Karma tries to give the power and the choice back to you.

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