Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thinglink.org is an initiative to build a free product code and an open database system for creative work

What Company Is Offering:
Thinglink.org is an initiative to build a free product code and an open database system for creative work. Small producers, such as artists, designers, and crafters can use thinglink.org to identify, document and promote their work in the Internet. Thinglink.org offers an easy way to learn about makers, ideas, stories or histories behind products.

How It Works:

To get started, get your own free thinglink account by clicking register. Select a username and a password, and you are done. If you don't want to create an account, you can still find about things by searching makers, titles, or tags.

Thinglinks are codes that you can use for giving an object a unique identity. For example, let's say you have made a painting that you want to add into the thinglink database.

Select Create, and you will get a new form with a unique thinglink. If you want to register this thinglink for your painting, fill in the fields 'title' and 'maker'. In the description box, you have basically an unlimited space to tell about your work. You can refer to its history, tell about the materials and techniques you have used, or add links. If you have a Flickr account, you can easily add a Flickr photo to your thinglink description. If not, get a free account from www.flickr.com, or just add a link to your homepage.

More at:http://www.thinglink.org/

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