Saturday, November 8, 2008 is a portal where it is possible to associate the minutes of a solar year to the most significant moments of one’s life

What Company Is Offering: is a portal where it is possible to associate the minutes of a solar year to the most significant moments of one’s life. These minutes will form the collective sentimental calendar to be shared with all the world.

How It Works:

You can personalise your minutes by inserting in the associated pages text, video, images and links to your own site or blog. The acquired Minutes will be visible on the home page in every time zone at their corresponding time and will be replayed at the same time every year thereafter. The minutes can be indexed or searched for through a keyword (i.e birthday, first kiss, wedding, anniversary, event, party or special dates ). If the minute becomes popular it will appear directly on the homepage’s top list of most voted or commentated on minutes. It is possible to buy a minute you want for as long as they are available. (525,600 equal to one solar year) is a portal where it is possible to associate the minutes of a solar year to the most significant moments of one’s life. These minutes will form the collective sentimental calendar to be shared with all the world. You can personalise your minutes by inserting in the associated pages text, video, images and links to your own site or blog. The acquired Minutes will be visible on the home page in every time zone at their corresponding time and will be replayed at the same time every year thereafter. The minutes can be indexed or searched for through a keyword (i.e birthday, first kiss, wedding, anniversary, event, party or special dates ). If the minute becomes popular it will appear directly on the homepage’s top list of most voted or commentated on minutes. It is possible to buy a minute you want for as long as they are available. (525,600 equal to one solar year).

More at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic site!
this is my minute