Monday, February 2, 2009

Business Feather---Internet Business Made Easy

What Company Is Offering:
Business Feather is the all-in-one product by Bakedweb that makes life easier and business more profitable. They're replacing 10+ tools that are essential for internet businesses with one - that's why life is easier. No more moving data between a handful of separate solutions. No more remembering 10 log ins for different products. No more wrestling with code and techie stuff. At a basic level BF is web hosting for your business website. But to go with that you get website management tools, email marketing, eCommerce and an integrated customer database.

How It Works:

Basically when you log in, you'll be able to immediately access your contact database, your orders, web form submissions, products and catalogs, web pages and email marketing campaigns from one central location. Furthermore, all of those functions are built to work together from the ground up! BF is an All-in-One solution that includes email and hosting. We have chosen this distribution model because it makes delivering new system updates and features super simple. With BF you never have to pay for the latest version in a constant upgrade path. The features just keep coming with zero headaches.

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