Thursday, February 5, 2009

RealPeopleRealStuff lets customers upload their own video commercials

What Company Is Offering:

RealPeopleRealStuff lets customers upload their own video commercials, recorded on their camcorders, webcams, digital cameras or cameraphones. Ads are organized by category and location, and users can enter text descriptions, prices, thumbnail photos and tags along with their video clips.

You can post a photograph in addition to your video. But you must post a video. Your video can consist of a still image or a slide show with you talking over it – but it will still need to be in one of the video formats mentioned above. See the Trivial Pursuit commercial for an example of this type of video.

How It Works:

Create an account. Click on the Log-in link on the top right of the page, or click on the Post button on the right-hand side of the page.
Once you've received your confirmation email, just follow the instructions. Once you've confirmed your password, you'll be ready to post your first video.

Click on the Post button. Select the city nearest you from the drop-down menu, fill in your zipcode, and select the category that best describes your merchandise or services from the drop-down menu. You may post your video in more than one category, but you'll need to go through the posting process again.

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