Saturday, March 28, 2009

ChubbyBrain lets you research venture & angel-backed startups

What Company Is Offering:
ChubbyBrain is the world's largest user-generated database of innovative startups. The ChubbyBrain platform delivers intelligent information about and expert insights into emerging business models, technologies and companies.

How It Works:

The ChubbyBrain platform is a structured database and wiki that takes vast amounts of information that is available about startups and investors through numerous sources and provides it in a consistent, logical and structured format. Because the ChubbyBrain platform is a wiki, users are also able to edit and add to the information that is available about startups.

Beyond providing structured information about startups, ChubbyBrain allows experts to provide insights into the viability of these emerging companies, technologies and business models and to leverage the platform to highlight themselves and their expertise. ChubbyBrain has information on startups across a diverse array of areas including clean/green technology, healthcare, nanotechnology, web, mobile, technology and social entrepreneurship.

More at:

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