Sunday, June 3, 2007

Newsberry was created for business professionals who desire a simpler way to send out mass emails while simultaneously adding a touch of design to it

Newsberry was created for business professionals who desire a simpler way to send out mass emails while simultaneously adding a touch of design to these emails. Send out your professional campains with elegance and ease, great for resturaunts, teams, marketing, tourism, and many others who display similar needs. Manage and monitor all of your massive emails, keep track of your businesses contacts and communication. You can manage your email lists by seperating them into catagories, so when you want to send out a particular email to a specific demographic or team, Newsberry makes it extremely easy for you to do so quickly.

“Newsberry is ideal for any business wanting to create or maintain a subscriber base through mass email campaigns. Our system was created to allow users the ability to send professional campaigns easily and quickly. Newsberry is a great choice for restaurants, professional organizations, educational facilities, marketing companies, tourism organizations and many others. We provide the necessary tools to help businesses with several email lists and separate list demographics. It's simple, if you send emails, or want to send emails, quickly, efficiently and in an affordable way then Newsberry is for you.”
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