Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ponoko is offering consumers a new way to turn their creative ideas into real-world objects

What Company is Offering:
Ponoko is offering consumers a new way to turn their turn creative ideas into real-world objects.
How It Works:
After uploading their design to the website , users can choose from a variety of materials. Ponoko then runs the design through a laser cutter. Besides offering access to professional tools to manufacture products, Ponoko also helps users bring their products to market. Once they’re ready to sell, members add photos of their product to their profile page, together with a description, pricing information and descriptive tags. If a product needs to be assembled before being shipped to customers, Ponoko delivers the bits and pieces to the designer. If the product is self-assembly, Ponoko can ship directly to the end-customer.Users who aren’t interested in selling physical products can opt to sell or give away their design, for other manufacturers to produce and sell, which makes Ponoko stand out from creative consumer marketplaces like Etsy.
More at:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ajay!

I really enjoyed reading your story...and thanks for writing about us such a long time ago!

Btw, you can follow us here:

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Looking forward to your next installment.

Best wishes,
