Friday, November 23, 2007

Countrysize--Find out how big a country is by comparing it to somewhere you know well.

What Company is Offering:
Find out how big a country is by comparing it to somewhere you know well.
Countrysize is a personal attempt to make it easier to understand events - natural disasters, wars, politics - which take place on a scale which is hard to understand.
How It Works:
The idea is that you can compare the area of interest to an area you are more familiar with. It can only be a rough approximation of the true scale.

CIA has given most of the data and maps used on this site. The global factbook is a comprehensive resource which I believe they are required to make available to the public because of US laws. I'm sure this obligation doesn't extend to non Americans like me, so I hope they don't mind ;-O

Maps of Scotland, England, and Wales were found on the Wikimedia Commons project.

More at:

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