Friday, November 23, 2007 is an online classifieds service--only your colleagues can see and respond to your ads

What Company is offering: is an online classifieds service that allows members to find and sell items exclusively among their co-workers community-all for free! All dealings are within trusted network of people: colleagues working for the same company, people you know and trust in real life.
The emphasis is on establishing trust, security and privacy, which is extremely important when buying or selling items, and nothing can be more reliable than your co-workers community.
Buyers and sellers are able to meet in person and “try before buy”. This breaks down online shopping barriers.

How It works:
With CoWorkersads, only your colleagues can see and respond to your ads. Your work email address domain determines access. Your dealings will only take place within your trusted network of work mates, people you see every day and people you know. Ads are free to post. You can search locally by inputting your company +country where you work, thus you needn’t see ads from colleagues living thousands of miles away. Alternately, search by category. Once you see an item you like, meet up with your fellow worker and test it out before you buy it. CoWorkersAds puts trust and confidence back into the marketplace.
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