Tuesday, November 6, 2007

eqiyeah.com ---Connecting Professionals

What Company Says:
We had a vision - to create a one-stop solution for seeking, finding, and managing all types of professional relationships. It continues to grow with hundreds and even thousands of new members each and every day. Finally, professionals have a relaxed and safe environment to meet other professionals all over the globe. Best of all, eqiyeah!com is open 24 hours a day, offering a social life that fits anyone's schedule.
How It Works:
To help members make quality connections, they've created extended profile questions that delve further into personalities, likes and dislikes as well as lifestyles. Their team has also added a personalized, interactive Workshop to help members hone their skills most relevant to the relationships they're seeking. The evolution of eqiyeah!com goes on - with changes, improvements and features constantly in the works to make our site the very best in the online professionals industry.
Why is It Different:
eqiyeah!com offers more than a static directory of professionals looking to connect with other professionals. People join for a sense of community - the ability to be amongst other people with similar mindsets and desires. Without the limitations of geography, our members can develop relationships and enjoy all types of encounters with members from around the world.
More at:http://www.eqiyeah.com/

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