Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Songza--Music Search

What Company Is Offering:
Songza is a new music search engine that lets you hear the songs that you search.

How It Works:
You can search for music, choose what you want to hear, and build up a play list. For each song you come across, there are a few options: add to your play list, rate it, play it immediately, or share it with friends. The share option branches off into a few more options, which let you send the song to someone, link it, watch the YouTube video, and embed the clip on your own website.

Songs that are on your playlist can be rearranged with drag’n'drop capabilities, and the current song that’s playing will offer links to the discography and for purchasing the song. These look to all be currently provided by Google links.

It’s clear that Songza is moving in the direction of providing a multimedia experience for your music search, which could be built upon in several different directions, from a social network to a semantic search tree that branches off in multiple directions.

More at:http://songza.com/

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