Tuesday, December 4, 2007

AdMob is the world's largest mobile advertising marketplace

What Company Is Offering:
AdMob is the world's largest mobile advertising marketplace. AdMob allows advertisers to reach their customers on the mobile Web and publishers to increase the value of their mobile sites. AdMob offers both advertisers and publishers the ability to target and personalize advertising to their customers in over 160 countries.
How It Works:
AdMob is a mobile advertising marketplace bringing together buyers and sellers of mobile ads. Publishers simply place some code into their mobile web pages, and AdMob serves pay-per-click advertising directly to their users.To set up your mobile site with AdMob, you simply register and create a site in the system. You will be given access to install code which can then be integrated into your PHP, JSP, ASP, or CGI driven mobile web pages. Once you have done this, you are all ready to go.AdMob spends a great deal of time and effort finding high quality advertisers interested in reaching a qualified mobile audience. Our publisher partners also provide links from their websites directing potential advertisers to their AdMob listings.
Why is It In News Again:
Land Rover has gotten in the game of targeted mobile advertising, teaming up with AdMob for a campaign rolled out across mobile phones within AdMob’s network. This is a campaign designed to target high net worth customers that actually browse the mobile web.

Leveraging AdMob’s specialized iPhone ad platform, Land Rover really hoped to hone in on a good potential consumer base with its mobile ads.The demographics for Land Rover customers and iPhone users are generally in the same price bracket, and many will find the results of the campaign interesting for marketing on a mobile level with custom, targeted ads. Part of the campaign used a banner ad as a store locater, enabling mobile phone users to type in their zip code to see a map, along with directions to the nearest dealer.

More at:http://www.admob.com/

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