Monday, December 17, 2007

Trooker is an up-to-the-minute video viewing community

What Company Is Offering:
Trooker is an up-to-the-minute video viewing community. With Trooker you can find and watch videos continuously, get alerts when there are new videos on your topic of interest, and create your own sets of videos from anywhere on the net. With Trooker, you can trook your friends and share your watching experience by instantly exchanging videos with them.

How It Works:

Trooker currently searches real-time online video communities such as YouTube, MySpace, Metacafe, DailyMotion and LiveVideo.Sending your video choices to friends and instant messaging each other within Trooker is what they call “trooking”. You can trook individual videos or you could even trook complete video sets. Interesting videos make for some very interesting conversation. There are some who say that this is more addictive then…
Creating a Video Set is a way you can organize your favorite videos that you have saved to your Trooker viewer. If you create a set, you can choose which videos to include, move them around, and if you like, you can publish it. This makes the set available on the internet. You can embed your set onto your blog, MySpace or Facebook page. The people that visit your page will be able to see your choice of videos running continuously, as well as any additional images and comments that you want to incorporate.
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