Tuesday, January 29, 2008

KonoLive---Helping Your Business

What company is Offering:
KonoLive, the first instant collaboration software solution that is defining the future of knowledge sharing.

How It Could Be Helpful In Your Business:

In small and medium businesses, moving quickly is key. Your team has a few last-minute changes to make to a report that includes formatted text from a word processing document, charts from a spreadsheet, and web pages the research assistant compiled. Every team member needs to review the report you’ve just put together and then sign off. With KonoLive, you can get it all done quickly and efficiently without a hassle.

As a consultant working with people in different organizations, you juggle multiple deadlines on a daily basis. As each deadline approaches, you need to consolidate everyone’s feedback into the final deliverable and get it back to the client on time. KonoLive helps you do just that in the fraction of the time you used to spend.

You’ve got a one minute video clip and a poster to produce for a high-profile client. Everyone has something to say – executives, the production team, the writers – even the “actors”. Typically, you would have had to get all these people on the phone or in the same room, make separate notes, run them by the executives, and only then tweak the final version. With KonoLive, the review process is reduced to single click actions on any kind of content including video, PDF, web pages Images and more…

More at;http://www.konolive.com/

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