Monday, January 14, 2008

Qassia is a credit-driven intelligence engine coupled to a cascading tag-based web directory

What Company Is Offering:
Qassia is a credit-driven intelligence engine coupled to a cascading tag-based web directory.

How It Works:

At Qassia, you can add your websites for free, and without having to add reciprocal backlinks. You'll get unlimited quality backlinks (as opposed to "no-follow" backlinks). You can also add intel. Short for "intelligence", intel is a tidbit of information. Qassia rewards users who add intel in three ways.The vast web of intel created at Qassia will produce more than a useful intelligence engine.

How Is It Different:

Qassia is fundamentally different from other sites like Wikipedia, Squidoo, because Qassia is not about asking people to upload authoritative articles. You don't need to be an egghead at Qassia. You could upload a lengthy academic treatise if you want, by all means, but you can also get away with contributing a hastily scribbled tidbit of information about a person, a company, a place, an event, a thing, or anything you know about.
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