Sunday, February 24, 2008

ContextGain is a fast, easy and free way to give your users convenient access to related content from premium sources

What Company Is Offering:

ContextGain is a fast, easy and free way to give your users convenient access to related content from premium sources. In addition, ContextGain allows AdSense publishers to potentially increase their ad revenue by placing their ads on the ContextGain Panel.

How It Works:

ContextGain offers three different options to incorporate related-content into your web pages: In-text Links, Related-keyword Cloud and Custom Links. All three implementation options display ContextGain links on your pages. When your users click on these links, a ContextGain Panel will open up. This panel includes related articles and news stories from around the Web.

Unique Features:
In-text Links offer your users a convenient way to get information related to words and phrases in your web page or blog. ContextGain automatically selects keywords and phrases from your web page or blog post that may further interest your users and double underline them. Clicking on those links opens a ContextGain Panel with related news stories and articles.
A Related-keyword Cloud is a list of words and phrases that are related to your web page. They are sorted alphabetically and their font sizes are weighted according to the relevancy of each keyword to the content of the page. Each keyword in the cloud is a link that may be used by your users to activate the ContextGain Panel and get instant access to related information.
Custom Links are similar to in-text links. The main difference is that in-text links are generated automatically (i.e. the system selects which words and phrases on your web pages will become a ContextGain link) whereas in Custom Links you have full control over where to place the link, the link text and the query that will be used to search for related content when the link is clicked. This option requires basic familiarity with HTML .

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