Friday, February 8, 2008

Stuffable is another outlet for self-expression on the web

What Company Is Offering:
Stuffable is another outlet for self-expression on the web. It is simply a place for your stuff! You’ve got it, you love it and now you’ve got a place to show it off.

Think of it as how blog platforms like blogger help express your thoughts or how photo sharing sites like flickr help convey your memories. Have you ever had something that you loved so much you wanted to show the world, like say maybe your iPhone or something you built?
Stuffable is where you show off your gadgets, you collectibles, your furniture, your bookshelf, your accessories or even the fact that you own the cutest dog in the world.

How It Works:
Click on your picture/avatar and then either click the text you want to change or click the edit button on the right to open up the editable boxes.The only thing people can see is the stuff you add to your list or type into your profile or the items and descriptions you give!

Stuffable is like when you walk into someone’s house for the first time and look around at how they decorate and the things they have - knowingly or not you are getting a sense of who they are. Stuffable is a place for cool people with cool stuff; lets see what you’ve got!Call it materialistic or even superficial, but your stuff is an extension of you - a view into a part of your life that doesn’t define you but perhaps helps describe you. Stuffable isn’t just for Prada purses and Tiffany jewelry, it is for your stuff because it is yours! And because that 92′ Honda Civic you’ve been sporting just isn’t going out of style anytime soon so, show it off!

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