Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Zooppa is an innovative platform for advertising made by users and sponsored by companies

What Company Is Offering:
Zooppa is an innovative platform for advertising made by users and sponsored by companies.Zooppa originated from the idea of creating a space for social advertising through user generated content.

How It Works:

Based on the briefs the companies provide, users are invited to create their own commercials for that brand. Participation in a Zooppa contest can take many forms: designing an animated sequence or creating a print ad with the company logo, writing a script or concept for a potential ad, or actually shooting their own video.
For each company that Zooppa partners with, a new contest is launched for users to compete in.
Users are also encouraged to create their ads using concepts or scripts posted by others. As an incentive to share one another's creativity, Zooppa rewards this type of collaboration with a Bonus Team Prize.
Once users have uploaded their contributions, it is up to them to decide the winners. Users rate the ads and it is based on these ratings that Zooppa awards the cash prizes.

How Is It Different:
What makes Zooppa unique is how the winners are rewarded. Each Zoop$ that users earn are equivalent to real US dollars. Once users have accumulated a minimum of 1.000 Zoop$, they can convert their Zoop$ into a real cash pay out.
Zooppa is, therefore, a new advertising model based on the Internet and the possibility to connect people from all over the world by putting them in contact with another.
Whether in fact, the companies that sponsor the contests are interested in using the posted materials in future advertising campaigns on other mediums, Zooppa plays an important role as an intermediary between the authors of the content and the companies. In this way, Zooppa guarantees a pricing range from a minimum to a maximum value, in which the interests of the two parties (the users and the companies) can be satisfied.

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1 comment:

juan carlos said... Watch this videos... so funny