Thursday, May 22, 2008 is the future of help, ready to store human-reviewed knowledge better than any existing Q&A or wiki platform

What Company Is Offering:
HelpGlobe looks like a Question and Answer site. But this is not your average Q&A site. is the future of help, ready to store human-reviewed knowledge better than any existing Q&A or wiki platform.

How Is It Different:
Unlike Wikipedia, HelpGlobe has continuously collects ratings to ensure quality knowledge. (The knowledge for each topic will still be more detailed on Wikipedia. HelpGlobe will collect the most relevant questions only.)
Unlike Yahoo!Answers, HelpGlobe rewards answers only with quality ratings. And answers with low ratings simply disappear. So unlike Yahoo!Answers, HelpGlobe won't feel like a chat site.

Unique Features:

5-star rating system, easily entered with single-click for each question or answer.

Users are allowed (and encouraged) to refine knowledge continuously as they learn.

Non-linear scoring system, reflecting the reality of quality in questions and answers.

You can answer your own questions. This is a knowledge sharing site, not a chat site.
Questions earn you points. Answers earn you points. Because both are needed to share knowledge.

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