Thursday, May 22, 2008

Targeted User-Generated Content Marketing Solutions

What Company Is Offering:
TUGCMS, provides highly targeted leads (generated by assessing their behavior), thus increasing sales significantly and at the same time reducing costs associated with traditional lead generation and marketing. Here’s how:

TUGCMS relies on New Media — BLOGS, WIKIS, PODCAST, ONLINE VIDEO, TOP SOCIAL AND BUSINESS NETWORKS, etc to document as much behavior of online users as possible. The behavior is then segmented by relevancy, thus helping us identify Passionistas relevant to your business. This leads to a comprehensive, yet focused set of prospective customers.

How It Works:

Their team of lead generation associates will research several Web 2.0 media to build a comprehensive database of warm leads. In addition to contact information (phone #, email ID, profiles on various social networking sites, personal blogs etc) the database also documents key user interests, audience profiling (in case of blogs), and other relevant information that helps their team of research associates map buying behavior, especially in your target market.
Segmentation and identification of the Passionistas relevant to your industry. Based on the behavior documented, our knowledge professionals will segment and identify hot leads – Passionistas who are likely to buy (or influence sales of) your product or service.

Their team of Marketing professionals can also help in formulating efficient and effective go-to-market strategies leveraging the information documented and segmented in the above two phases. In other words, they’ll define best practices for an effective marketing campaign using online behavior.

More at;

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