Thursday, June 19, 2008 makes it easy to get answers to your common, day to day questions from people you already know and trust

What Company Is Offering: makes it easy to get answers to your common, day to day questions from people you already know and trust. Real life groups (think your friends and family or office colleagues) help each other out with real questions while AskUrPals consolidates answers in relevent discussions for everybody's benefit. The result is a neatly organized community knowledge base that is easy to search and use.

How It Works:

1. Submit your question. No need to create user account etc.!

2. They create a specially formatted email for your question. Send it to the people you want to seek answers from. Only those who receive this email can post answers so you control who can answer. You can even moderate the discussion if you wish using a special moderation link that we will email you.

3. People receiving your email post replies using the special link in the email. Everyone can read all answers in one place using the "view discussion" link in the email or even find them later using our search. Person who originally asked the question also gets a notification email whenever a new answer is posted to the question.

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