Monday, December 29, 2008

YackTrack---Search for comments on your content from various sources or other blogs that talk about your content

What Company Is Offering:
YackTrack as a content producer, you can search for comments on your content from various sources or other blogs that talk about your content. It can also help the people commenting on the content themselves. If you have commented on a blog post, you can find other people that are commenting on the post and join the conversation on other sites. Obviously, content producers benefit as they can track various services from just one location. YackTrack currently supports Blogger/Blogspot, Digg, Disqus, FriendFeed, Google Blog Search, Google Reader, IntenseDebate, Mixx, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati, TypePad/MoveableType and WordPress blogs.

YackTrack's Chatter gives you a keyword search for the social media sites. This allows you to see "chatter" on various sites that talk about a specific keyword. So if you are looking for mentions of Comcast, the cable company, you just enter comcast in the Chatter search box and click the "Find Chatter" button. Similar services exist, but most services are focused just on Twitter chatter. YackTrack Chatter currently supports Mixx, Technorati, Google Blog Search, FriendFeed and Twitter.
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