Wednesday, November 21, 2007

AfterVote---Search Socially

What Company is offering:
They are applying principle to search results without having to go through all that work of clicking buttons to vote for a site’s “coolness”. Here’s a example. You do a search for “Social Search Engine” and you click the first result. It’s not what you were looking for at all, and is therefore not a useful result for your query. You press the back button and try result #2. Voila! You found exactly what you are looking for. But it’s more than that. Younanimous is analyzing these results and has cast a vote for you, automatically, saying that result #1 wasn’t what you wanted, but #2 was. If you do however find a awesome site, You can manually vote for it as well.
How It Works:
Ever find sites that never have the info you want, but are always at the top of the serps? Yes, we are looking at you… Well, now you can blacklist pages or entire domains from showing up in your listings, No more crap! And say goodbye to spam. With a “Spam!” Tag, you can help eliminate bogus results from the serps one spam site at a time.

Dont take our word for it, try this. Do a Google, MSN, or Yahoo search for a common spammer term. Viagra would be a good test. Look at how on these engines, spam just takes up all the spots. Now try it on Younanimous. You will be hard pressed to find anything unofficial, and thats why Younanimous works.Another cool thing is that you don’t need a account to enjoy all the awesomeness of Younanimous. It’s all stored in a cookie! Of course, you can create one if you want to, and share your settings at work and gramma’s house, but it’s totally up to you!

How They Decide Ranks:
They take the results from the 3 major search engines, (Google, Yahoo, MSN) Taking into account their current rankings. We then weight them against our own database to see what our users have said about where positions should be, and apply that weight to the results. Sometimes users have their own custom algorithm, and in that case you choose how to rank the results, not us.
More at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site. It has replaced all of the big three for me. Amazing tools available from the site as well.