Friday, November 16, 2007 And Share The Best Sites Online

What Company is Offering:
Its as your online navigation system. Here, you not only discover and share the best sites online, but also use GottaGotta to get where you want to be. It's the Web at your fingertips. GottaGotta One Click - a neat feature that lets you open your favorite sites with a single click once you set up your account and choose the sites you like to visit every day. It's that simple .
How It Works:
Create an account on the site and then you can import you favorite sites from your browsers bookmarks or favorites onto You can organize and categorize your information and sites by putting them in suits. You can have entertainment suits or travel suits. You can log onto your favorite sites with just a click, it’s that easy. allows you to share your screen with other users and with other user’s permission you can see their screen. Sharing screens allows you to add comments, blogs , and sites to your friend’s screen. Your screen can be private or public. Any users can look at your screen if it is public and they can see what sites you are interested in.
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